Monday, January 12, 2009

New York - Aaron Justice secured a $3.5 Billion deal for Georgia based Orbisun International Holdings Inc. The project will be developed on a private luxurious island in the Bahamas. Orbisun is one of the worlds leading SME’S (Small and Medium Enterprises) that focuses on humanitarian efforts such as the eradication of poverty and disease while empowering people through employment and training to become entrepreneurs. Orbisun has been a leading humanitarian group for more than 20 years working to eradicate poverty and diseases such as malaria which is a deadly disease that kills nearly 3000 children daily.

The deal by Justice was secured as a structured financing mechanism with one of the most elite and private International Project Financing Companies with offices on Wall Street and Europe. The Collateral Commitment has already been Guaranteed by a Private Bank in Europe.

“Orbisuns leadership is one of the most dedicated I have ever seen. Their mission to eradicate poverty and disease has been recognized by many nations across the world. This project will be a duplicated model throughout Asia, Africa, the U.S. and the Caribbean. The project will provide more than 2000 jobs, some of the most luxurious and affordable living, the best signature gulf courses, medical research facilities and banking facilities. The banks will facilitate international trade and commerce to bridge the gap with Africa, America and China. And to complete the project, Orbisun has one the world’s most respected and reputable developers that I’ve had the pleasure of working with. With their implementation of the project, success is that much closer to reality” – Aaron Justice.